Friday, July 1, 2011

Women's Health Blog Award Nominations!

Photo Credit: MrsBlogAlot
A HUGE thanks for the shout out from Two Girls on the Go! The two fabulous girls, Amanda & Rikki, have joined forces to share their health and fitness journey with others. And they keep it real with *easy to do workouts*, unlike those popular magazines that make you move in awkward positions, hold wierd poses, or run until you pass out. I knew I found a blog treasure when I discovered their almost-over SWEAT Challenge, which is why I'm thrilled that they listed me as one of the nominees for their blogger awards. When you're nominated, you share 7 things about yourself that your readers don't already know. Then, you list 15 other blogs you love to read!

7 fabulous things you didn't know about me until now:
  1. I don't like sphagetti! I can't get the image of dead worms of out of my brain whenever I try to eat it. So I just decided to remove it from my diet all together.
  2. During college, through the help of WeightWatchers, I lost 68 lbs and became a BodyPump instructor to share my new found love of fitness.
  3. Since graduating college, I gradually gained the weight back but I continue to teach BodyPump and look forward to losing the weight for good this time!
  4. I'm a magazinaholic. I love to read magazines like SELF, Women's Health, Shape, Fitness, and Weight Watchers. They're full of health and fitness tips that I try to incorporate in my everyday life.
  5. I'm hoping to get my masters in Health Communications to further my career and passion in women's health.
  6. I used to be a cheerleader and I played junior olympic volleyball. When I was a kid, I also took karate and gymnastics.
  7. I have a chihuahua named Diesel Beefy el Diablo ChiChi Hooks and he's 5 years old and the love of my life :).
15 women's health blogs that rock: 
  1. Our Bodies, OurSelves
  2. Women's Health Zone
  3. WebMD, Women's Health (Below the Belt)
  4. Nubian Fitness Goddess
  5. Fit Bottomed Girls
  6. 30 Before 30 List
  7. A Celebration of Curves
  8. A Girl in the Life
  9. Healthy Creature
  10. A Healthy Slice of Life
  11. About Life*
  12. Adventures of a Done Girl Named Alex
  13. Ah...Me So Hungry!
  14. Amanda Lives Well
  15. Appetite for Health
I find all these blogs to provide useful, valuable, insightful, intriguing, and relatable posts that I'm sure my fellow 20somethings will truly appreciate.  Support women's health and empowerment by reading these blogs. Keep the conversation going!