Friday, July 1, 2011

Binge Drinking: Life's Buzz Kill

I'm not going to preach to you guys like I'm a perfect angel who never drinks. I want to keep it real with you!So let's be honest--it's nice not being the idiot on a reality TV show binge drinking and making a fool of themselves.Many reality TV stars have gotten into trouble from binge drinking, including the 20somethings on MTV's Jersey Shore or The Real World. Even when we see what a disaster binge drinking can be, we have to admit--it's very tempting to "let loose" and have fun at a wedding or during a holiday weekend , especially if it involves an open bar! I'm all about enjoying a few drinks here and there but I'm not a fan of the potential risks when it comes to drinking margaritas like it's kool-aid! Potential risks include:
  • Chronic diseases such as liver cirrhosis (damage to liver cells); pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas); various cancers, including liver, mouth, throat, larynx (the voice box), and esophagus; high blood pressure; and psychological disorders. If you start binge drinking in your 20somethings--you're probably increasing your chances of having one of these diseases as you get older. No bueno! (Source:  CDC)
  • HIV/AIDS and other STDS. The more alcohol you drink, the less you're in control. This means you're more prone to make bad decisions like unprotected sex-- putting you at risk for HIV/AIDS and STD's. (See my recent post on HIV/AIDS).
  • Injury from car accidents or other life-threatening incidents. This isn't new--we all know the risks of getting behind the wheel after drinking. It's stupid. But honestly ask yourself how many times you 've been drunk and gotten in a car with a friend who said "It's okay, I've driven drunk before and I was fine". Let's take a guess of how many people who've gotten a DUI or killed someone have said that before they got int the car!
Not that I've given you the cold hard facts, I want to reiterate that I'm not saying to stop drinking completely.  I personally would like to cut alcohol for other health reasons, but I know some of you don't see that happening, and that's cool tool. To have a fabulous time without the risks mentioned above, try some of these tips to stay healthy and safe:
  • Limit yourself to no more than 3 drinks. (5 or more drinks qualify as binge drinking according to the CDC, but as we know some bartenders go a bit crazy with the amount of alcohol in your rum & coke, so its best to play it safe).
  • Sip, don't gulp. Enjoy the drink, don't gulp it down in 5 seconds--where's the fun in that? If you take your time with the drink, you'll get your money's worth and enjoy the fun. Who wants to keep going back to the overcrowded bar and wait for 20 minutes to get a drink that's way too expensive?
  • Count the calories! Yup, think about the number of calories you've got in that one drink and then think about that bikini or super cute dress you want to wear. Drinking too much will add inches to your wasteline and that's so not fabulous! I'm sur ethat will make you think twice before you order that 5th margarita.
Bottom line:  In the world of 20somethings, we can't help but get caught up in the lure of alcohol to help us have a good time. One night of binge drinking could change your life forever. Make sure you weigh the consequences before you go overboard. And let's face it, no matter how much fun you think you're having while getting "trashed"--the hangover is NEVER worth it.

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