Saturday, June 18, 2011

6 Not-So-Fabulous Reasons to Not Smoke

Photo Credit:  My Modern Met, Creative Ads: Anti-Smoking
While watching two women smoking outside, I thought to myself, "What a stupid habit". If there is one habit that truly drives me nuts, it's smoking. Why do it? Why do people stand outside on a freezing day just have their morning ciggeratte? I can't answer why people smoke, because that's something I'll never do. BUT, I can list reasons why us 20something shouldn't (facts provided by the CDC):

  1. Women who smoke lose 14 years of potential life. Dieing before your time? What's fabulous about that?
  2. Women who smoke increases their chances of cervical cancer. Raise your hand if you would like to opt-out of having cancer! Thinking about having kids one day? Smoking will only make it more difficult.
  3. Smoking may cause a decline in lung function. I personally prefer proper lung function when taking an aerobics class or running a 5k. Breathing during any of those two activities is key!
  4. Smoking could alter your menstrual cycle, causing painful cramps and/or irregularity. Having your monthly friend  come for a visit is enough without the extra pain or inconvience.
  5. Women smokers will get menopause earlier than women who don't. Hot flashes? Mood swings? Crashing fatigue?  Weight gain? I'd like to enjoy my pre-menopause life as long I can.
  6. Smoking will add years to your face. Let the pic below speak for itself.
Photo Credit: Age Progression blog

If you're a 20something smoker, I have some good news! You can increase your chances of a long and healthy life if you quit today. In just 20 minutes your heart rate will begin to drop and in 2 weeks, your lung function begins to improve. Check out these resources below to get started:

Bottom line:  If you aren't smoking, great! Keep it up. If you are, its time to make some changes in your life to live happy and healthy. Now is the time to make healthy decisions that will change your life for the better.

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