Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thou Shall Not Get Lazy With Birth Control

Photo Credit:  Knocked Up & Pulse Radio
A 2009 study found that "15 percent go through periods of contraceptive nonuse. The vast majority of women at risk, though, perceive themselves to be protected because they rely on a contraceptive method — but their usage is inconsistent or incorrect. Incorrect usage may include inconsistently taking birth control pills or attempting to overcompensate by using more than one condom at once, both of which decrease effectiveness."

Whether you're going through a dryspell or can't cough up the cash to replenish your supply, it's important to not skip on the whatever method you choose for one main reason: Unintended Pregnancy. Below are a few tips to avoid that pleasant surprise until you're ready:
  • Oops, I forgot the pill again! If you can't remember to take the pill, ask your gyno about using the patch, nuva ring, or an IUD. Discuss all your options with your doctor and don't be shy on letting her/him know about your current sexual activity and reasons for using birth control. The more you share, the better advice the doctor can provide. Here's a full list of all your options. 
  • Are funds low? If you're in a relationship with someone, don't hestiate to ask that they pitch in for the costs of birth control. It takes two to tango, and assuming your significant other supports your efforts in avoiding an unplanned pregnancy, they should definitely contribute to the team effort.
  • Playing russian roulette with your body is a no-no. Don't risk it--if you aren't able to keep up with your birth control, perhaps consider using a "time-out" on any sexual activity until you can find an alternative option. "Withdrawing" is not a safe method ladies, don't let him convince you otherwise!
  • No Matter What--Wrap it Up.  Two is better than one, i.e. use of a condom and a contraceptive! Especially if you're not ready to have a baby. No matter what, always use a condom. Contraceptive methods do not prevent STDs or HIV/AIDS, so condom use is a nonnegotiable rule if you're sexual active, not married, and/or not planning to start a family.
Bottom line: It's no fun worrying about having an unplanned pregnancy, the stress and worry alone can negatively impact your health.  If you're sexual active, choose a method that you can stick with. If you're suddenly going through a dryspell, still keep up with the pill as you never know when that dryspell comes to end.

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