Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Confessions of an Disordered Eating 20something

Photo Credit: Sweet Additions

I must confess...I stuffed my face again tonight. Probably because I'm feeling overwhelmed, a bit out of control with life lately, and super tired with lots to do before I go to bed. Can you relate? I'm sure I'm not the only 20something female out there who lost control of food, who couldn't stop when their belly said 'no' but their brain said 'yes', or ate so fast they didn't even get to taste what they were actually eating.  Yup, this is more  of a 20something issue than many think: Disordered Eating.  This 'disorder' consists of a wide range of irregular eating behaviors that do not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

When I think of disordered eating, I think of a few of my friends who talk about trying to lose weight all the time, whether it's binge eating after caving in to their temptations after trying to stick with restrive diet or extreme (miserable) calorie counting. Disordered eating is our way of staying in control in our crazy 20something world. But wait--before you 'google it', I urge you to talk to a physician if you feel that you're battling disordered eating.  If you're constantly thinking of food, unable to stay away from the kitchen, and if eating impacts your day-to-day life, now is the time to talk to a health professional who can give you the professional help you need.

Most importantly, if you do have a disordered eating issue, be gentle with yourself. You're not alone as I'm sure tons of 20something gals are dealing with the same issue. With the constant pressure from society to be thin (try to think of a day you haven't seen Kate Middelton's tiny waste in the media), its no surprise that this is an issue that not only impacts teen girls, but young women, and probably other women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond!

Not sure who to call or where to start? Check out the National Eating Disorders Foundation or call their helpline at 800-931-2237 for more information, referals, and support.

Bottom Line: Disordered eating can cause  vitamin deficiencies, lowered immunity, illness, and lets not forget the mental health impact as I'm sure many of us get really down on ourselves about eating too much or too little. At what price are you willing to be thin? Life is short. Live it healthy and happy without the stress of calories or scales.

1 comment:

  1. Great read....overeating has been a way of life for me. Mainly when I'm stressed, don't feel control over my life, or out of my daily routine do I start craving bad and large amounts of food! One thing that helps me is to have something to look forward to keep me in check. whether its a vacation or a party, I know I'm going to want to look my best. Helps me make better decisionsduring desperate times.
