Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Squash the A.N.T.s in Your Head

A.N.T.s.: Automatic Negative Thoughts. Many of us get them on a daily basis. We as women are more likely to think something negative about ourselves instead of thinking about something positive. How many of us can't even take a compliment? Someone says something nice about my hair and I usually respond with: "Thanks but it's looking super frizzy day." We constantly beat ourselves up if we don't fit into our jeans, if our hair doesn't look like it came out of a Pantene commercial, and if our makeup isn't flawless by the end of the day. 
So why are we so hard on ourselves? Probably from the impossible expectations set from society. Since we were little girls, we played with Barbie dolls that had impossible figures that we couldn't achieve unless we aspired to look like Heidi Montag (yikes!). We then grow up watching TV shows and looking at magazines filled with models and celebrities with extreme airbrushing. By the time we get into our 20s, many of us have been trained to think that we aren't ever good enough--never skinny enough, never pretty enough. That's what many advertisers want us to think. If we didn't, we wouldn't by their products, right? Don't get me wrong, wanting to be healthy and enhance your features doesn't make you a negative-thinker.

In honor of "Love Your Body" day, I encourage all of us to take a stand against the unrealistic expectations that society set in our brains and squash the A.N.T.s in our head. It's time to love ourselves with a positive body image. How? Below are a few tips:
  • Working out: Working out doesn't always have to be about weight loss. You can increase your endorphins and physical activity can encourage you to appreciate the body you have.
  • Relieve the stress: Getting plenty of sleep, meditating, and yoga are just a few ways that can help you bring peace. The more calm and relaxes that you are, the more likely you are to think in the positive.
  • Postive mantras: Every morning, look in the mirror and say something positive about yourself. It may seem silly, but saying "I'm beautiful" outlood can do wonders for your body image. Because if you don't think it and believe it, who else will.
If you know me, you know that I struggle with this on a daily basis. But I'm hoping you can join me in making a real effort to switch our A.N.T.s into loving positive thoughts in honor of "Love Your Body" and every day.

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