Thursday, July 7, 2011

'Namaste': 3 Ways to a Less Stressful & More Fabulous You

Give your stress wings and let it fly away. ~Terri Guillemets

Stress. Everybody deals with it no matter their age or gender. There's different types of stress. Sometimes stress can be good for you. I'm sure I'm not the only one who finds that they work better under a certain stress level.  According to the Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health, in small doses, stress can be good because it a) makes you more alert and b) gives you a burst of energy.

But in today's world--20something women are stressed out more than ever. Not only are you becoming more independent, but you're also starting your career with insane timelines and tasks, dealing with with a small paycheck, trying to have a social life in between the late nights at work, feeling pressured to consntantly be in contact with everyone via Facebook, email, text, Twitter, and to top it all off--you need to squeeze in at least 45 minutes of gym time a day.

Relax. Refocus. Connect/Disconnect!

When feeling stressed, stop for a few minutes and take a few deep breathes to relax. This will help your muscles relax and reduce the tension that you probably have in your shoulders.

Refocus by making a list of all the things that make you feel stressed and identify the issues that you can fix now vs. later.  It's all about taking it one step at a time. Recently, I learned of other women who are dealing with situations much more stressful than my own. This helped me put things into perspective.

Find an hour or half an hour to connect with a friend or even a therapist. The best way to release stress is to talk it out. I always feel better when I talk through a stressful situation and in most cases, I'm able to find a solution through the help of a friend. On the flipside, consider disconnecting from your technology-advanced world--that's right, turn off your phone and log off of Facebook. Try something else like a funny movie, a long walk, a spin class, or hit the sheets early.

Bottom line: It's important to learn how to manage stress in your 20somethings. As we get older, our level of stress will wear and tear on our body, mind, and spirit. Making yourself a priority will not only benefit you, but your family members, friends, and coworkers.

Discuss--> How do you relieve your stress?

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