Sunday, June 10, 2012

Fitspiration: Kelly Clarkson

Um, if you haven't noticed how fab Kelly Clarkson has looked recently, we have a problem! I've always admired Ms. Clarkson because she's never been afraid to keep it real. I could always relate to her. Just as she experienced gaining weight in the public eye and the criticism that came with it, I've had to experience gaining weight in front of the eyes of my BodyPump members and feeling the "judgement" of those new members when they realized that their instructor was heavier than they are.

The average person would probably want to dig in a hole and hide, but we both decided to use our real-woman bodies to inspire and encourage others to love ourselves just the way they are. She was recently quoted in a Redbook magazine interview saying that she  wants to "...instill in my fans is to be healthy and happy. I have no desire to be super-skinny."

Photo source:
 I've declared Kelly Clarkson my Fitspiration for June, not because she is thin, but because of the journey she took to get to where she is today. She works out like a "normal" person and her motivation to look healthy and fit for her fans! Kelly C. is the perfect example of what being healthy, fabulous, and fit is all about--no matter what size dress she wears!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It's Our Time to LiveLifeActive!

I'm a huge fan of WeightWatchers and I'm also a huge fan of working out! So needless to say, I was thrilled to earn about this new fitness challenge called LiveLifeActive, led by the fabulous folks at WeightWatchers.

I started the challenge last week and it's just what I needed to get my motivation into gear. I like this challenge because it's not limited to walking/jogging/running, it's open to anything that get's you moving. That's a shoutout to the Zumba-atics, yogaholics, and bootcamper's! However you wan to do it, your goal will be to earn 14 ActivityPoints per week for 6 weeks. Every week, you get a chance to win prizes and you get to see the progress of other challenge members--aka extra motivation!

I highly encourage that you check it out.  Afterall, what do you have to lose? Calories and pounds! And for extra encouragement, think of all those endorphins you'll overdose on? You'll be a healthy, fabulous, and more happy version of you!

If WeightWatchers is not your thing, join a similar activity challenge hosted by a women's health magazine or a popular and credible health website.

Tell us: Are you joining the LiveLifeActive Challenge? What types of exercise will you be doing?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Flexing Fab Muscles for American Bone Health

As a BodyPump instructor, I often get new members that want to try my class because they want to lose weight or get leaner muscle. While it's true that weightlifting can offer both of these benefits, the biggest benefit of all is the opportunity to build stronger bones that will last a lifetime. That's why I was super excited to take on the "American Bone Health Challenge" from the American Bone Health organization focused on preventing osteoporosis and providing education on bone health across the country.

You may be asking, what exactly is this "American Bone Health Challenge"? Well, women and men nationwide are encouraged to take photos of themselves flexing their muscles in front of local landmarks and sharing these photos on Facebook, Twitter, their blogs, etc. I couldn't resist--this challenge has my name written all over it! So I decided to put my own personal twist to the challenge and added a few of my special BodyPump members to flex their guns after working them hard for the past hour. These ladies join my class every week with a smile on their face and their eye on the prize--> strong, sexy, fit bodies!

So here we are--sweaty, exhausted, and bone health strong!


Share in the comments below: How do you get bone health strong?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Back with a Healthy Vengeance!

If you haven't noticed, it's been some time since my last blog post (January of this year to be exact). I've had quite a bit going on since my regular blogging days. This includes starting grad school, getting a new job, and trying to focus on being healthy from the inside and out. I'm happy to say that I'm back and eager to continue educating, discussing, and sharing important health issues with my fellow fab ladies!

My come-back comes with a few new changes/features, including:
  • A new name: HealtyFabFit. I want to broaden my focus to women of all ages and ethnicities instead of only women within their 20s.
  • Monthly Women's Magazine Article Club. To know me is to know that I love to read just about every single women's health magazine out there. I have a subscription to SELF, Women's Health, Shape, Fitness, and I'm a regular reader of Weight Watchers magazine. I often read an article that fits perfectly with my blog and my readers, so I figure why not have a similar concept of a book club, but this time, we keep it short and sweet with a magazine article for a quick read. It's perfect for the fab gal that's busy and can't find the time to squeeze in leisure reading.
 Those are just two key features that I'll be introducing with my come-back and I have a few other ideas brewing in my head. I'd love to hear from any of my blog visitors out there. After all, this blog is for you! Please subscribe, share, and comment to help me keep this blog go from surviving, to thriving!



Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Personal Touch to HealthyFab20s: My Weight Loss Journey

First, I'd like to all those who have read and supported my blog. It's been a work in progress and something that I've really come to love and enjoy. With that, I want to bring this blog to its fullest potential in helping other fellow women, especially my fellow 20somethings, live a healthy and happy life. After talking with many of my friends and family, I've realized that weight loss or maintence is a huge part of a 20somethings life.

So what better way to help other women by sharing my personal weight loss journey? Quick Story:  3 years ago, I lost 68 lbs via WeightWatchers. But since those 3 years, I've gained all of it back. It's been incredibly fustrating, discouraging, depressing, etc. I know what it takes to lose the weight, I know what it feels like to be fit--I also know what it feels like to gain a lot of weight back, to not feel fit, and to feel out of control.

So here I am today, ready to get back to where I was before. I want to be fit so I can wear the cute clothes I've saved in my closet, to teach BodyAttack without gasping for air, and to feel good about myself once again. I'm doing this for me and no one else.

I'll be giving monthly check-ins on my progress and what I've learned a long the way. My short-term goal is to train to complete the Warrior Dash in May, which will include a 5k obstacle course. I can barely run a mile, so to run three while also jumping over fire, crawling through mud, and climbing a wall seems a bit intimidating to me. My goal is to finish, even if I'm in last place.

I've already lost 7 lbs before this post, but I'm going to use my current weight as a starting point.

Current stats:
  • Weight 238.1
  • Waist: 48 inches
  • Chest: 45 inches
  • Hips: 52 inches
  • Jean size: 16/18
Below is a pic of me from a 5k that I walked. I know it's a bit far away, but with my measurements listed above, I'm fine with that ;). Right now, I'm using MyFitnessPal to track my calories and workouts, if you're on there, be sure to add me as a friend (username: rosemh83). Be sure to check in next month for updates!