Wednesday, June 15, 2011

No Longer Taboo: Putting Our Foot Down on HIV/AIDS

Last week marked 30 years of HIV/AIDS in the U.S.  With all the progress, prevention methods, and various campaigns, why are women now 30 percent of those living with HIV/AIDS in the U.S.?  Ladies, let's face it--just because Samantha on Sex & the City steered clear of STDs despite her 'risky behavior', doesn't mean we should assume that we have the same luck and use it as an excuse to avoid using proection or getting tested! The best way to protect ourselves is to start talking and to take action. And who else better to start the conversation and rally young women across America than Lady Gaga herself ? Last year, she joined Cyndi Lauper and MAC cosmetics to increase HIV/AIDS Awareness among women. Lady Gaga once said, "This is not a gay disease, this is a disease plaguing women. And I just want to clarify that. Because I think that's the very sort of pre-assumption, that women aren't getting tested and allowing negotiations to go on in the bedroom and are not putting their foot down."

So after 30 years, why are young women so vulnerable to HIV/AIDS? Several reasons come into play, including: biological reasons, lack of awareness, not knowing their partners' risk factors, feeling less power in relationships, and/or having sex with older men who are infected.

Now more than ever, 20something women need to be proactive and take charge of their health. Taking charge means talking to your sexual partner about getting tested , using reliable proection ( non-negotiable--HealthyFab women don't negotiate when it comes to their health) and educating yourself.

With HIV/AIDS no longer having the same stigma it once had 30 years ago, getting tested and talking to your sexual partner about HIV/AIDS is no longer taboo! If you're nervous about starting that conversation, check out these helpful tips from MTV's 'Get Yourself Tested' campaign.

Bottom Line:  Not being proactive, not getting testing, and not using protection is so 30 years ago. Ladies, its time to get with it! Today, I challenge you to make the first step. Find a local testing center and schedule an appointment. Just 5 minutes out of your day can make a lifetime of a difference. Grab your cell and text the number below to find a local HIV testing center.

To find HIV Test Centers near you Text: Your Zip Code To: KnowIt (566948)

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