Friday, November 25, 2011

Getting Fit on a 20something Budget

Photo Credit: That's Fit, 15 Home Workout Tools for Every Budget
If anyone knows about living under the constraints of a budget, it's me. With the price of food and gas going up and down, we sometimes have to make cuts and sometimes--a gym membership has to be considered a "luxury" aka something that isn't necessary to live paycheck to paycheck. But just because you can't afford a gym membership, doesn't mean that you can't work out. There are many inexpensive or free resources that can fit almost any budget! Here are a few options that I've either used myself or I've come across as I build my "apartment friendly" mini-gym (i.e., workout options that I can do in my living room without disturbing my neighbors below me):

  • YouTube:  Can't afford the Michael Jackson Wii video game? Or the Wii for that matter? Try searching for Micheal Jackson on YouTube. You'll find free instructional videos breaking down his famous moves. Once you get the swing of things, you can do your own thing to one of his hit songs. You'll be having so much fun, you won't even know you're working out.
  • Wii:  If you already have a Wii --I highly recommend the Zumba Fitness game or the latest Black Eyed Peas game. It may take a while to get used to some of the moves, but once you do--you're going and going, burning tons of calories.
  • Workout DVD's: I currently use the Pussycat Doll's workout video when I want to have fun, Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown DVD when I want to workout without sweating, and Bellydancing video to help shrink my belly down. And as a BodyPump instructor, I have to mention the new BodyPump DVD's that will soon be available, courtesy of BeachBody. While it's important to ensure you have proper form and technique, sometimes we have to do without the group fitness instructor giving us personalized attention and feedback.
  • ExcerciseTV:  If you have cable, the internet, or a smarphone, you can have ExerciseTV! ExerciseTV offers over 150 free workouts on demand and over 100 free full length workouts online.
  • Your Neighborhood: Run, walk, jog--whatever works for you! Don't let the cold weather keep you from getting the best all around fat burner into your workout schedule. Just put on an extra layer of clothing and once you start moving, you won't even remember that it's cold. Try MapMyRun to track how far you go or join the WOMAN Challenge for motivation to get active every day.
You can also go to your local Target and Walmart, where you can find lots of inexpensive fitness gear, like resistance bands that you can use while watching your favorite TV show. Once you figure out what type of workout you like and what you're likely to stick with--you can find something that fits your budget. It just takes a bit of searching and planning!

Bottom line: Don't let your budget keep you from getting the benefits of physical activity. Getting a daily workout in your 20s can help prevent many health issues that may come up as we get older.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

When it's cool to not be an Angel

Uh oh, Adriana! I don't think you can eat this piece of lettace. Yikes!

If you've read the entertainment news lately--you've heard about Adriana Lima's, extreme dieting before the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show to look super skinny in the floss-inspired bra and panties. Her diet includes the following: Work out twice a day,  drink only protein shakes for nine days,  indulge in "no solids" for those days, and then, for 12 hours before the show no liquids so you can lose weight. She goes on to prove the success of her efforts by saying you can lose up to eight pounds "just from that".

I must admit that I was a bit taken back by Adriana providing her "game plan" with the public. She has to know that many young girls and women aspire to have the figure of a Victoria's Secret Angel. Don't even get me started on the unrealistic image of women that this lingerie company has enforced for decades. I would hope by our 20s, we understand that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

However, I know that many of us in our 20s have a lot of "major events" in our lives--this including becoming a bride, being a bridesmaid, going on a dream vacation, or fitting in that hot dress for your birthday. So Adriana's method may seem appealing when under a time crunch. Before you take such a drastic measure to lose weight, I want you to consider the following dangers:
· You're depriving yourself of essential nutrients that your body needs to be strong.
· You'll be less able to concentrate or have the energy to make it through the day (let alone working out twice a day).
· It's only a temporary fix. Once you stop, you're more likely to binge like crazy and even double the weight you've gained.
 So what are some healthy options to look and feel fit & healthy in a short amount of time? Go back to the basics, burn more calories than you consume. WebMD suggests 1,050 to 1,200 calories and one hour of exercise a day (but be sure not to dip below this calorie level for safety's sake). On this type of plan, you can expect to lose 3-5 pounds the first week, or more if you weigh over 250 pounds. You can lose even more weight if you limit (not cut-off) starches and salts. And don't forget to drink plenty of water, eat lots of healthy protein, and keep a food journal to make sure you're meeting your calorie goals.

Bottom Line:  I personally recommend not waiting to the last minute to worry about your dress size. If you practice healthy eating and physical activity on a daily basis, you won't feel the urge to go to such extreme measures. Trust me, I know--it's easier said than done! The way I see it, the Angels can afford the health costs that come with extreme dieting. The rest of us should cut our losses, stay sane, and enjoy solid food like a healthy & fabulous 20something should.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4 Mobile Apps to Keep You HealthyFab Every Day!

Photo Credit:
It seems like every time I log onto Facebook, somebody uses their phone to update their status, post a pic, or check-in to a resturaunt. This got me thinking--how can our phones help us instantly stay up-to-date for our health? Below are a few free apps that I use myself or a few that I think would be perfect for a 20something gal.:

  • P tracker: If you're like me, you're too lazy to mark your period in a regular calendar, let alone carry one around with you. With this app, you have the convience of tracking it with your phone, which you're more likely to use on a daily basis. You're able to note things like the heaviness/lightness of your flow, your mood, level of cramps, and if you were intimate. This app can also tell you when your ovulating, fertile, and when you're next period should start.
  • MyFitnessPal: I currently use this app to track my food and fitness activity each day. Getting a MyFitnessPal account is free and easy to use--and so is the app! It's not complicated and closely matches what you see on the actual website. So if you're looking to lose weight or maintain, be sure to check this app out.
  • Jillian Micheals Slim Down Solution (iPhone only): I haven't used this myself, but I like it for two reasons. 1) It's free. 2) It's Jillian Micheals, who I love and admire. She gives you great workout suggestions, so it's like having a little Jillian in your purse!
  • WebMD: Whether I'd like to admit or not, I usually go straight to WebMD to find out more about a condition or to look up symptoms to find out what the issue could be before I go to the doctor. Now you don't have to wait until you're in front of a computer. From local health listings, to a first aid emergency guide--you'll be covered no matter where you go.

Have I left any of your favorite women's health apps? Don't be greedy, share them in the comments section below!