Sunday, March 29, 2015

Update: #LMWLLifestyle Challenge, Days 3-7

Hey, People! I'm still going strong with the #LMWLLifestyle challenge via Sarah Jenks!  I haven't had a chance to blog since my last post because I've been working or doing the challenges. But here I am, writing this post as I watch the season finale of my favorite TV show the Walking Dead! During commercial breaks, of course ;). I've got days 3-7 to share below, so please keep reading!

Day 3: Watch the sunset
I thought this sounded like a beautiful idea and couldn't wait to see the sunset after a few gloomy days filled with clouds and rain. Sarah chose the challenge to encourage us to acknowledge the beauty that's around us every day. While I wasn't able to catch a true sunset, I got a glimpse in between the super cloudy day. This challenge encouraged me to slow down a bit to appreciate the little things.

Day 4: Get out of your normal space to watch a new video from

After a very long day, I was really happy to step away from my apartment with dozens of reminders of my long to do list. Instead, I went to a local Panera Bread to watch Sarah's video without any distractions from my TV, my dog, etc. In Sarah's
Video #2 of the LMWL Lifestyle Video Training Series, one of the things she encourages us to do is a "something" that we want to do now instead "waiting on the weight" to encourage us to live our life filled with things that make us happy. This could be dating, spending more time with a loved one or friends, going to a dance class, etc. Sarah explained that when we don't do the things that make us feel happy and fulfilled, we turn to food to fill a void. If we live our lives and fill them with happy and fulfilling things, we'll decrease our need to turn to food as our companion or excitement of the day. This really connected for me and made a lot sense of what has made me turn to food and continue to turn to food.  Sarah also encourages us to fall in love with our bodies, to nurture it, and to be more gentle and caring. So often, we as women tend to be aggressive and rough with our bodies via crazy detox diets, workouts we don't enjoy, or that inner voice critiquing our imperfections. Enough! It's time to appreciate our bodies. To honor this, I gave my body some TLC with a resting and restorative pose that I found on Pinterest, as shown in the image below. I highly recommend it!


Even if you don't practice yoga, you need to do this every day! Excellent for your legs, body, and mind after being on your feet all day.
Image Souce:

Day 5: Tell someone she's beautiful.
This challenge was all about appreciating someone's beauty. I thought this was a great way to pay it forward with the positive energy I've received from doing Sarah's challenge. I chose not one, but two of my two cowokers!

Day 6: Enjoy the healing power of  water
This challenge couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I was getting ready to work a 12 hour babysitting schedule on my Saturday (oy). I could have used my morning to knock a few things of my to do list, etc. But instead I chose to go to my favorite work out class and then enjoy my breakfast outside as I watched over the lake and morning sun. It was gorgeous and so peaceful. This is something I definitely want to add to my daily/weekly schedule as an effort to be more calm and centered. I mean seriously, look at the beautiful picture below! I need more of this in my life! I deserve this!

Day 7: Get creative
Sarah encouraged us to express ourselves in a creative way through art. We could write, dance, sing, etc. I chose to paint. I'm not good at it. Quite frankly, I think I suck. But I enjoy the process of painting. It's calming. Painting forces me to focus on the colors, the shapes, and the brush strokes. I decided to paint the sun as a throwback to a sunny day this week. I loved feeling the heat on my face. It felt wonderful. So I wanted to pay tribute to that feeling by painting the sun. For obvious reasons, a friend of mine teased me about the painting saying it looked like a tick. But whatever, what are you gonna do? Art is interpretive, right? ;)

So that completes the rest of the challenges for week 1. Next week, Sarah's challenges will include watching a new video, connecting to our religion/spirtuality, being makeup free (eek!), a weekend date (this will be tough for me), wear something that's outside of your usual wardrobe, showing our body some love, and taking a bath (I'm so for this one). I'm excited to see what I experience during each challenge and look forward to sharing my adventures with you in a future post.

Heads up: You can join Sarah's Live More Weigh Less Lifestyle Program Launch on Wednesday at 7 PM EST!  The party is happening at I'll be there, will you? Let me know in the comments below!

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