Tuesday, September 13, 2011

5 HealthyFab Ways to Get Ready for Summer 2012!

Yes, I said 2012--it's time to plan for next summer! As the fall season approaches, many of us like to hide behind bulky sweaters and hibernate by staying in front of the TV and away from the gym. And then before we know it, it's swimsuit season and we are in panic mode--sometimes going to extreme and unhealthy measures to fit into that oh-so-cute bikini.

Stop the madness! When it comes to getting a healthy, fit, and sexy bod, slow and steady wins the race. Start following these 5 tips and within a year you'll be rockin' that yellow polka dot bikini.

  1. Get religous about your fitness.  Become devoted and dedicated to a workout that works for you. BodyPump (had to do a shoutout, sorry!), jogging, tennis--whatever makes you move and bust a sweat. Try a few of these 20something workout moves created by Women's Health magazine if you need guidance/advice.
  2. Fruit, veggies, and grains--oh my! You need to dream about fruit, veggies, and grains. You need to crave fruit, veggies, and grains. And most importantly, you need to eat your fruit, veggies, and grains. And according to ChooseMyPlate.gov, you need to make half of your plate fruit and veggies. So hit the grocery store to stock up asap! Feed your body the nutrients it needs to sustain your workouts and give you the energy you need to conquer the day.
  3. Show your skin some daily TLC. Not only should you wash your face at least twice a day and wear sunscreen daily, you should also make a regular visit with your dermatologist. Be sure to visit a dermatologist at least once a year. Check out these great tips from Oprah.com for more ways to keep your skin in peak condition.
  4. Don't let the bed bugs bite.  It goes without saying, sleep is fuel for our brains. With everything a 20something has going on (work, happy hours, gym, parties, shopping, etc.), you need your energy and memory to function. The less sleep you get, the more likely your going to crave sugars and carbs. And the more sugar and carbs you eat, the more likely you'll gain weight.
  5. Oooommm, Namaste. Seriously, we are too young and too fabulous to be too stressed. Always make sure you take a minute to breathe, laugh with a friend or watch a funny video, and step away from the computer screen. When you start to freak out, really look at what you can eliminate in your life. The less stressed you are, the less likely you'll want to pig-out on on a whole pizza or drink 5 glasses of wine in one night. Eventually the stress will make it's permanent residence on your hips and belly, and that's never in season (fall or summer!)
Bottom line: What you do now will make a huge difference next summer and 20 years down the road. Avoid drastic measures like plastic surgery or extreme dieting to get the healthy body you want and deserve.

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