Monday, August 1, 2011

A Fabulous Leap for Women's Health!

Photo Credit: for Detroit, MI

So if you're like me, you barely have time to catch the news or read the latest detailed report on women's health. But I'm pretty sure you've heard or read about something regarding free birth control via friends and Facebook, right? Yup, the Institute of Medicine recently released a report comissioned by the Obama administration, recommending various preventantive services that should be provided to women via insurers without the need for a copay. Nowadays, this is a huge cash saver for a lot of fabulous and frugal ladies out there!

Since you're so busy being fabulous and all, I've looked at the report and highlighted the "need-to-knows" for my fellow 20somethings. Below are the recommendations that might impact you in the near future (7 out of the 8 recommendations will impact women in their 20s):
  • Screening for gestational diabetes. (Screening for gestational diabetes in pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation and at the first prenatal visit for pregnant women identified to be at high risk for diabetes.)
  • Counseling on sexually transmitted infections: 
  • Counseling and screening for HIV 
  • Contraceptive methods and counseling to prevent unintended pregnancies. (Adding the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods as well as patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity.)
  • Lactation counseling and equipment to promote breast-feeding. (Coverage of breast pump rental fees as well as counseling by trained providers to help women initiate and continue breast-feeding.)
  • Screening and counseling to detect and prevent interpersonal and domestic violence yearly well-woman preventive
  • Care visits to obtain recommended preventive services. (Think annual gyno visits!)
Recommendations are great! But actions are better. As a busy 20something, I want to know when these preventative services will be provided and what I need to do to make them happen for me. To date, the HHS has issued a plan that requires insurers to offer free birth control to women! Isn't that sweet? That means no copays. And that can be a huge savings for a lot of us "paycheck to paycheck" gals. Think about that one time where you had to skip birth control to make sure you could pay your electric bill? Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore! About all insurers have to provide this service, unless they are religious-based, as they have the option to opt out. And to put the "cherry on top", this also includes the morning after pill! Hooray for no more un intended pregnancies! Perfect follow-up to my recent post about sticking with your birth control. Expect to see this plan to take effect immediately, starting today (August 1).

Bottom line: This is the a historical achievement for women's health.  Now all women, regardless of income or age, can have access to the important health services. The free birth control is a great step and hopefully leads the way for the other recommendations to be implemented. Stay tuned!

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