Monday, August 22, 2011

Let's Discuss: Male or Female Gyno?

By the time we are in our 20s, we probably have an idea of who we prefer to become our partners in health and that includes our gyno. Though at the end of the day, I'm sure many of us aren't counting down the days until our next exam, right? So when its actually our time, we want to be sure we're as comfortable as possible, and a big part of that is who your gyno is, i.e. their education, expierence,...and their gender.

Earlier today, I had an interesting "debate" with a two of my friends about our preferences for a male or female gyno. It's interesting to see how women widely vary in thier preferences. Every time I have this conversation with women, I always hear different reasons on why they have their preference for male or female. Instead of me telling you which I prefer, I'd love to hear from you!

Photo Credit: TVFanatic

Which do you prefer (male? female? doesn't matter?) Or put it this way--would you want a "Miranda Bailey" or a "Kurev" from Grey's Anatomy to be your gyno?And why?  Have any expierences that made you have this preference? I want to know! Feel free to leave anonymous comments below if you're hestitant about discussing such "personal" issues.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fan of the tan or addicted to the rays?

A medical center recently released a new study claiming that those who have the need to tan constantly share similarities to the behavior of an addict. Who knew! According to one of the researchers of the study, many tanners come back for the positive feeling of tanning even though they know the risk of melanoma.

Do you find yourself booking a regular visit to your local tanning salon on the regular? You might need to re-evaluate how often you really need to get your glow on. Being an addict of anything isn't fabulous. You may not realize how it's impacting your life. Addicts will choose their temptations over friends, loved ones, and their health. When it comes to tanning, the Skin Cancer Foundation states that those under the age of thirty who use tanning beds ten times yearly have eight times greater the risk of malignant melanoma. Yikes--need I say more? Simply put, tanning does not make you look healthy, if anything, it highlights the skin damage. What's healthy about that?

That's why I'm a huge fan of the "Go With Your Own Glow" campaign by the Skin Cancer Foundation. Nothing is more fabulous and healthy than a woman's natural, healthy glow. They give fabulous tips on how to get that fabulous glow without the need to hit the tanning salon.
Bottom Line:  Keep it fabulous and natural. Going to a tanning salon is like going to cancer shop and asking for the un-fashionable melanoma treatment. Who wants to be addicted to cancer in their 20s? Not me!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Proceed with Caution: Diet Pills

A 20something (or any woman for that matter) always has a reason to lose weight--and lose it super fast. It could be a big birthday party, wedding, hot date, or the anticipated run-in of an ex. These are the moments where we want to look our best, ready for the gazillion pictures that will soon be posted on Facebook (aka live on the internet forever), and the need to feel confident, sexy, and fabulous. With society's focus on extreme weight loss, it's no wonder we are tempted to buy one of those diet pill bottles--you know, the ones where they promise "rapid weight loss" on the label. These "magic pills" often come with the tempting tag lines and celebrity endorsments constantly tempting you from while watching TV, surfing the internet, and reading magazines.

Don't get caught up on the glitz & glam for these so-called "magic pills". As with many over-the-counter products for your health, you need to be aware of the potential health risks. Such risks include (according to LiveStrong):
  • Abdominal discomfort:  Abdominal or gastrointestinal discomfort can potentially develop when you take Orlistat, an appetite suppressant.
  • Rapid heart beat:  This happens when as the suppresments communicates with the various parts of the brain that control your appetite.
  • Sleep issues: Either feeling super sleepy or not getting any sleep at all, the various ingredients of the diet pills can mess with your sleep pattern, which in turn can lead to other health and safety risks.
If you are dire need to lose weight fast, approach diet pills with caution. Consult your primary physician and ask what's the safest way to lose weight. As a fitness instructor, I would stay away from speedy weight loss methods. Many who do lose the weight so quickly rarely keep it off and sometimes gain more than what they weighed before. Instead, eat healthy and workout, drink lots of water, eat plenty of veggies and fruits, and get your 7-8 hours of sleep. Then find other ways to feel fabulous--get your hair done, buy a flattering outfit, or find a new lip gloss to make your smile pop in your pictures.

Bottom line:  Don't be fooled by the glamourous celebrities and tempting taglines. Chances are, celebrities have a lot more help than a few diet pills to stay super thin and while results may come true, they don't last forever and who knows what the long term effects could be. Instead of waiting for the last minute to lose weight, adopt a healthy lifestyle now so that you can feel fabulous later!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Wedding To-Do's: Cake Tasting, Wedding Dress Shopping...and Genetic Testing?

Congratulations! "He put a ring on it"!!

The average age for a woman to be engaged for her first marriage is 25. While many women like to focus on selecting the date, choosing their bridesmaids, and figuring out the honeymoon location, there's one thing that many brides-to-be don't focus on during this important time in their life. Their health. Yes, many future brides like to lose weight before the wedding, but let's be honest, it's not to prevent heart disease, it's to fit in that perfect dress.

Photo Credit: strollerderby (The Health Benefits of Marriage)
Making an appointment to the doctors office is just as important as making an appointment with David's Bridal or with the local bakery. Below is a bride-to-be health checklist to have a happy, fabulous wedding day and marrage.
  • Have a Pap smear, and a complete pelvic exam to check for any abnormalities.
  • Talk to your doctor and decide which type of birth control is best for you and your future fertility.
  • Take a genetic test if children are in the future.
  • Don't want children? Discuss with your doctor and your fiance about tubal ligation or vasectomy.
  • Get tested tested for HIV and other STDS. This is very important as undiagnosed sexually transmitted diseases such could have a devastating effect on your future fertility.
  • While you're at it, get a complete general physical exam that includes laboratory testing and a discussion about your family medical history and make sure that your immunizations are up-to-date at this appointment.
  • Worried about your monthly friend visiting on the big day? Talk to your doc about using contraceptives to delay the onset of menstruation. There are many types of contraceptives that can assist in causing a long delay in your cycle. Added bonus: You don't have to worry about a copay anymore. Yay for saving money on the wedding budget :).
While these items are suggestions, every women will be different in regards to health needs. So be sure to talk to your primary care physician to figure out what's needed for you and your spouse. A healthy bride means a healthy marriage and that means a healthy family!

Bottom line: Your health is just as important as your wedding dress. Always make your health a priority. While many of us take the time for pre-marriage counseling, we should also take the time for pre-marriage health testing.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Fabulous Leap for Women's Health!

Photo Credit: for Detroit, MI

So if you're like me, you barely have time to catch the news or read the latest detailed report on women's health. But I'm pretty sure you've heard or read about something regarding free birth control via friends and Facebook, right? Yup, the Institute of Medicine recently released a report comissioned by the Obama administration, recommending various preventantive services that should be provided to women via insurers without the need for a copay. Nowadays, this is a huge cash saver for a lot of fabulous and frugal ladies out there!

Since you're so busy being fabulous and all, I've looked at the report and highlighted the "need-to-knows" for my fellow 20somethings. Below are the recommendations that might impact you in the near future (7 out of the 8 recommendations will impact women in their 20s):
  • Screening for gestational diabetes. (Screening for gestational diabetes in pregnant women between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation and at the first prenatal visit for pregnant women identified to be at high risk for diabetes.)
  • Counseling on sexually transmitted infections: 
  • Counseling and screening for HIV 
  • Contraceptive methods and counseling to prevent unintended pregnancies. (Adding the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptive methods as well as patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity.)
  • Lactation counseling and equipment to promote breast-feeding. (Coverage of breast pump rental fees as well as counseling by trained providers to help women initiate and continue breast-feeding.)
  • Screening and counseling to detect and prevent interpersonal and domestic violence yearly well-woman preventive
  • Care visits to obtain recommended preventive services. (Think annual gyno visits!)
Recommendations are great! But actions are better. As a busy 20something, I want to know when these preventative services will be provided and what I need to do to make them happen for me. To date, the HHS has issued a plan that requires insurers to offer free birth control to women! Isn't that sweet? That means no copays. And that can be a huge savings for a lot of us "paycheck to paycheck" gals. Think about that one time where you had to skip birth control to make sure you could pay your electric bill? Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore! About all insurers have to provide this service, unless they are religious-based, as they have the option to opt out. And to put the "cherry on top", this also includes the morning after pill! Hooray for no more un intended pregnancies! Perfect follow-up to my recent post about sticking with your birth control. Expect to see this plan to take effect immediately, starting today (August 1).

Bottom line: This is the a historical achievement for women's health.  Now all women, regardless of income or age, can have access to the important health services. The free birth control is a great step and hopefully leads the way for the other recommendations to be implemented. Stay tuned!